90 days Challenge
Curriculum of the 90 days challenge
- Orders and Payment Management
- Exporting Orders
- Setup Billing, Invoice and Payouts
- Knowledge-Base
- Basic principles of the Knowledge-base
- Ask for help: Support and chat
- Complete your portfolio
- Listing a New Project
- Updating, Drafting and Removing Projects
- Building great projects
- WordPress Backend
- Adding iframe to Product Description
- Measuring your audience
- Creating a Google Analytics (GA) account
- Setting up Google Analytics on Stoor
- Support your Customers
- Make a list of potential customers
- How to send emails marketing
- Studio Owner License FAQ
- Understanding the License Basics
- Promote your projects:
- Marketing Basics
- Free Projects Guide
- Facebook/IG & Linkedin Ads
I was stucked on my daily boring job as a BIM Modeller in a small architecture firm, working a ton of hours from Monday to Saturday. I had no opportunity to grow until I learned how to publish my own projects and became my own boss.
Ruby Garza
It changed completely my mindset. I had no idea about marketing, or analytics or websites. Now I’m able to create new digital content, share it on social media, and find new customers in other countries. Highly Recommended!
Lana Munoz
I was well and quickly supported by the people who guided me through the challenge. They are very responsive and helpful with any issues and I sold my first project in just 60 days! Amazing!